14 Preschool Dental Activities: Teeth Art & Craft Ideas (Models)
prekwithmrswinter.blogspot.comTeeth Art & Craft Ideas: 14 Dental Health Activities
1. Happy and sad tooth activity for preschoolers – Sort good food and harmful snacks – nontoygifts
2. Learn alphabets and numbers for toddlers, free tooth fairy printable worksheets – 123homeschool
3. Teach flossing and the importance of dental health – flossing play dough on egg cartoon – teachingmama
4. Easy mouth tooth art craft with construction paper and marshmallow – naturalhomeschool
5. Teaching dental hygiene with mouth teeth model made with plastic can – learnandexplore
6. Harmful foods and healthy food for dental health – free printables – teachersmag
7. Teach brushing activities for your kids with egg cartoons: teachpreschool
8. Sensory toothpaste slime brushing activity for toddlers – stillplayingschool
9. Clean your teeth: number counting, alphabet erasing, tooth fairy sorting numbers, alphabet matching, missing alphabets – printable dental health worksheets – planningplaytime
10. Flossing and Dental Hygiene Printables –preschoolplayandlearn
11. Dental health-themed activities like letter hunt, counting, and building words – Pocketofpreschool
12. Experiment with eggs in different solutions for oral health awareness (vinegar, coke, coffee, tea) – luvprek
13. Make a funny tooth collage to learn about good and bad foods for oral health –Artsymomma
14. DIY Mouth Model Craft Idea for Preschoolers: A Mouth Made of Paper Lips and Marshmallow Teeth
How to Start This Activity with Kids
Good morning, my little friends! Welcome to our fun and exciting art and craft session today.
Today’s theme is all about teeth and dental hygiene. Have you ever wondered why it’s important to keep our teeth clean and healthy? Well, let’s find out!
You see, our teeth play a big role in helping us eat our favorite foods and giving us a beautiful smile.
Just like we take care of our bodies by eating healthy and exercising, we also need to take care of our teeth.
Brushing our teeth and practicing good dental hygiene is super important to keep them strong and shiny.
Importance of Dental Hygiene
- Brushing our teeth helps keep them strong and healthy.
- It helps prevent cavities, which are holes in our teeth that can be painful.
- Brushing makes our breath smell fresh and clean.
- It keeps our gums healthy and strong.
- Taking care of our teeth helps us eat yummy foods without any problems.
- When we have clean teeth, we can show off a big, bright smile.
- Visiting the dentist regularly helps keep our teeth and gums happy.
- By brushing every day, we become toothbrush superheroes and protect our teeth from bad guys like sugar bugs!
Remember, boys and girls, taking care of our teeth is super important for a happy and healthy smile.
Have a Conversation With Them
“Now, I’d love to hear from each of you about your teeth and brushing habits. Do you brush your teeth every day?
How many times a day do you brush? Do you like the taste of toothpaste? Feel free to raise your hand and share your experiences with us!”
Finally, Ask What They Have Learnt
Each one of you has been working hard and participating in our art and craft activities, where we talked about the importance of keeping our teeth clean and healthy. Now, it’s your chance to shine and tell us what you’ve learned.
Raise your hand if you’d like to share something you’ve learned today.
It could be about brushing our teeth, why it’s important to keep them clean, or anything else that stood out to you.
Don’t worry, there are no right or wrong answers. We’re here to listen and learn from each other.
Remember, we’ve talked about how brushing helps us prevent cavities and keep our breath fresh.
We’ve also created tooth collages, toothbrush puppets, and pipe cleaner toothbrushes. So think back on our activities and let’s hear your thoughts!